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Page/Link:Page URL:HTML link:The Free Library. Retrieved Dec 14 2019 fromILLUSTRATION OMITTEDThe Fiat 500 is a five-star Euro NCAP car, while the Audi Q7 getsfour stars. But, if you thought that the Fiat would be the safer of thetwo in a crash, you'd be very wrong. A recent high-profile crashtest, which launches the two cars into one another, shows that theAudi's greater mass overwhelms the Fiat.The test is a graphic illustration of the issue of crashcompatibility, something that is being brought to the fore by the risingnumbers of SUVs weighing more than 2,000kg, alongside city cars of lessthan 1,000kg. Efforts to improve car-to-car compatibility will be asignificant trend in vehicle crash safety.Improvements could save between 721 and 1,332 lives in the EU, andprevent more than 15,000 injuries a year. That's according to theEuropean Enhanced Vehicle Safety Committee (EEVC), set up by theEuropean Commission in response to the trend towards larger SUVs.

It hasa working group studying inter-vehicle collisions to devise a standardcrash test procedure.The foundations lie in the VC-Compat programme, which ran from 2003to 2006 to develop a suite of crash test procedures leading to improvedvehicle crash compatibility. Much of the current discussions surroundingcrash compatibility are based on its findings.Euro NCAP, mindful of the disparity between the different classesof vehicles, is also considering using car-to-car compatibility tests.Indeed, it is part of the long-term roadmap.

James Ellway, one of theorganisation's test engineers, says: 'Euro NCAP is waiting fora suitable compatibility test to be proposed by the relevant researchbodies, possibly by EEVC. Once that's happened, Euro NCAP can takea decision as to how compatibility should be incorporated andassessed.' To be compatible, cars need to have good structural interaction,matched force levels and good component strength.The physical stiffness of parts and their positioning definevehicles' structural properties. At the core of this is the numberof frontal load paths.Cars with single load paths channel theft crash energy through themain rails, whereas those with two-level load paths generally have anadditional lower extended engine subframe. Two-level load paths arebetter; VC-Compat tests showed they suffered less A-pillar movement anddoor aperture infringement. More importantly, there was less underrideand override, and the better stability of the main structure allowedbetter spreading of the central load.Lower subframes also help to dissipate forces better in collisionsbetween small cars and SUVs.

But the research found that the logicalextension of this-a secondary load-absorbing structure for SUVs-wasless beneficial. Because the front structure was narrower as apercentage of the total machine, there was a dynamic lateralmisalignment.From this, the EEVC devised guidelines on improving compatibilityfor car designers: improved vertical load spreading through additionalload paths, strong vertical connections between load paths, and stronglateral connections able to distribute rail loads. There should also begood compartment strength and frontal force levels-especially for lightcars.Manufacturers broadly agree. Jacques Faure, head of passive safetyat Renault, says: 'You must ensure that in car-to-car crashes bothfront ends interfere in the best possible way. Height is not the onlyproblem; the number of load paths, and the connection between them, arealso critical.'

Renault says that the challenges for improving compatibility safetyare first in agreeing a diagnosis, then a test procedure. But carmakersare wary of more legislation.

The answer, says Renault, is notindustry-wide agreement on a fixed range of heights for crashstructures.' That could be misleading,' says Faure. 'In acar-to-SUV crash, you must ensure that the car's structure hassomething to interact with before being overrun by the SUV lowstructures that can withstand the load from the car's crushingstructure.

But the interaction must also be stable, and a simple heightagreement isn't enough.' ILLUSTRATION OMITTED.

What's more, in a car-to-car crash, with very similarstiffness, simply ensuring that the structures are vertically aligned isnot enough because of the instability of the interaction.Renault would prefer a crash test involving a progressivedeformable barrier to validate all this. The choice of barrier has beena contentious issue for those investigating crash compatibility.The VC-Compat programme investigated two tests-a full-widthdeformable barrier and a progressive deformable barrier (PDB).

Impact Vehicle Library

Both wereable to distinguish the characteristics that defined crashcompatibility. Both were equally valid.

Impact Vehicle Outline Library 2019 Edition

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But the two tests are verydifferent.The choice may have been made already. France has, under the GenevaUN Economic Commission for Europe Regulation 94 review of frontal impactrequirements, pushed for Euro NCAP to switch from using an offsetdeformable barrier to using the PDB. It has argued that this wouldprovide more real-world relevant tests.Most cars bottom out against the initial barrier, striking therigid wall behind. This means the crash rails take the full force ofcrash energy. The PDB doesn't bottom out, so energy is spreadacross the front of the car; the rigid barrier can't be relied onto collapse the rails.Dr Mervyn Edwards of the UK's Transport Research Laboratoryreckons this could help car-to-SUV compatibility too. Because of thisforce localisation, heavier vehicles often have over-specified crashrails.

The test is 'more severe' for such vehicles, as agreater amount of kinetic energy has to be absorbed in a similar space.' This leads to a large force disparity with lightermodels,' says Edwards. 'The PDB better matches energy levelsand would lead to better compatibility. It could be a significant movetowards reducing the disparity between SUVs and small cars.' But, to the relief of makers, the EU says specific legislation oncompatibility is not yet planned.'

In any move to change the requirements for frontal impactcrash protection, the issue of compatibility cannot be ignored,'says an EU spokesperson. 'It may be that it cannot be fully cateredfor but, even so, any moves to improve the frontal impact situation mustnot ignore the work done on understanding how to counter problemsassociated with compatibility.' Of course, carmakers already conduct vehicle compatibility crashtests. OEMs have internal design requirements to ensure appropriatestructural interaction in a car-to-car crash and to ensure that theprotection of each car can sustain the high loads generated. Car-to-SUVcollisions are often part of these tests.But the EU is intent on a more thorough approach. Carrying outcompatibility tests does not necessarily mean OEMs are consciouslybuilding compatibility measures into their vehicles.The lack of a standard means of doing so is the main hurdle. Themove towards a PDB test in Euro NCAP is therefore significant.

It couldbe a turning point in the development and adoption of a standardisedvehicle compatibility test.There is no escaping the basic physics inherent in a collisionbetween a large SUV and a far smaller, lighter city car, but anyimprovements in force loading and vehicle interaction can only be apositive step.In future, any tests conducted by the ADAC test house perhapswon't have quite the dramatic severity they have had in the past.

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Impact Vehicle Outline Library 2018 Edition

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