My 3 year old daughter is in preschool and has been learning how to trace her name. I went on a search to find a book that she can trace the same letter over and over before having to erase.

When I found this book and looked on the inside I knew this is what I was looking for. Best english grammar book torrent pdf download. I purchased this one and the lower case alphabet, numbers 1-20 and the tracing shapes one. I also ordered the dry erase crayola crayons with it too based on some reviews I read before ordering. I just love these books now that I have them.
My daughter will sit for hours just tracing in all the books! I haven't even bothered with the pen that came with the books cause the dry erase crayons work great! You have to use a little bit.
My 3 year old daughter is in preschool and has been learning how to trace her name. I went on a search to find a book that she can trace the same letter over and over before having to erase.
When I found this book and looked on the inside I knew this is what I was looking for. I purchased this one and the lower case alphabet, numbers 1-20 and the tracing shapes one. I also ordered the dry erase crayola crayons with it too based on some reviews I read before ordering. I just love these books now that I have them. My daughter will sit for hours just tracing in all the books! I haven't even bothered with the pen that came with the books cause the dry erase crayons work great!
You have to use a little bit. Got this to help my 2.5 year old learn numbers. He loves the book, likes the challenge of tracing the numbers, counting the objects in the great pictures, and sometimes just scribbling on the pages with washable crayons.Pros:The book is well laminated.Pictures allow kid to count the objects to figure out the number.Washable crayons work AWESOME! (easily wash off with a damp paper towel)Cons:The marker dried up after 1 use (less than 20 minutes), and I am sure the cap was on tight. (But I bought this item for the book, not the marker, thus the 5 star rating.)That being said, washable crayons work great and clean off easier than the marker did.Definitely recommend this numbers book. My son has just started tracing at school. He is developmentally disabled and is a little behind on his fine motor skills.
These books are really fun, and offer a change from his tracing games on the ipod. He enjoys doing them and they have helped him write his letters on his own. We started by doing them together but now I can set him up at the table and he will work on them for about an half hour to an hour all on his own. The only negative is that you will have less work to do if you erase as soon as they are done, like other dry erase products once the pen is dry and has set awhile it takes more effort to get it off. I am half Japanese and although I wa born and raised in Tokyo, I went abroad for high school and college, currently living in the US. My reading and writing are okay but only via computer. My handwriting has turns awful from lack of practice.
In Japan you still use a lot of handwritten notes, especially in formal occasions and I'm too embarassed to write to family with how my handwriting is. So I decided to look for something that would help me and bought this from seller 'JP Awesome'. Really great service of the seller and useful book, lots and lots of examples and context. The examples are presented in a way you can trace and practice with.
Traceable Fonts For Kids

Traceable Fonts For Teachers
Very practical and applicable. Bought another one in the series (30 days to an adult penmanship) and really great too.