Version 1.5.1:. first public releaseVersion 1.5.2:. Added the option to open url link in new window. Added sperimental features: You can now add a different slider to each CMS page!!Version 1.5.3:. NEW ANIMATION 3D Flipping slides!!
Thanks for your response, Misthero!However, as I said before I'm not too familiar with coding, so if yo could point me in the right direcion it would really help.Based on the configuration settings of your module, the slider appears in the sub cateories PERFECT (see attached image). This is EXACTLY the right positioning that I would like it to have on the page (you can still see it at:Unfortunately however, the slider also appears on my homepage and every other category, when I only want it to appear in my ' still-reigning' category.My category.tpl code is the following. The images appear one on top of the other, instead in the slider. Could it have something to do with the fact that there are 15 slides?Please help me out if you can.Thanks very much!is not the quantity of images, in that page the slider javascript is missing, try to clear the cache, or at least try disabling ccc for javascript files in BO to see if it works without it. If it works you should clear the javascript cache and reenable it.btw your site is reeeeally slow for me, do you have enabled cache 'file system'? If you are on a shared hosting try disabling that.
In my experience sometime on shared hosting that option slows down the site badly. Edited March 24, 2014 by misthero. Hi Misthero,I did everything you suggested.
Still no change:/. I cleared the cache on chrome multiple times, cleared smarty cache in BO, disabled ccc for javascript in bo and still nothing changed.Any other suggestions?I think I got it, maybe your slider is called 'macabre gadgets1'?? If so that is the problem there should be no white spaces in the gallery name or the javascript will not the moment there is no check internally but when you create a new slide near the text box you can read'( Only lowercase letters and underscores, no special characters.)'so it should be 'macabregadgets1' with an underscore or 'macabregadgets1' or anything but no white spaces or any other character like%$#@^& etc. Edited March 25, 2014 by misthero. Ciao misthero, I need an help from you.i downloaded and installed your module and now want to display it on a CMS page.
There is an advert on your module configuration to modify the cms.tpl file. I'd like to do that from the BO but I'm don't know how.
Could I use dreamweaver instead? Where should I place such snippet in any pace of tpl? And more, as soon as added the snippet what should I do with my CMS page? Where I connect my page to the slider? Is there maybe a tutorial to do that? I'm newbie about that, sorry for my incompetence.Gil. Ciao misthero, I need an help from you.i downloaded and installed your module and now want to display it on a CMS page.
Prestashop Slider Module Free
There is an advert on your module configuration to modify the cms.tpl file. I'd like to do that from the BO but I'm don't know how. Could I use dreamweaver instead?
Free Prestashop Modules
Where should I place such snippet in any pace of tpl? And more, as soon as added the snippet what should I do with my CMS page?
Where I connect my page to the slider? Is there maybe a tutorial to do that? I'm newbie about that, sorry for my incompetence.Gilto install the module did you used a FTP client?to open cms.tpl you need an FTP connection, it is located in your theme folder 'themes/ themeName'.1) Download the file and open it with a simple text editor like notepad on windows.2) Copy/paste the snippet, save the file and put it back online.that is allafter that you can edit your CMS pages from BO and choose which gallery to show from the page editor (there is a new 'slider' option afer the meta title). To install the module did you used a FTP client?to open cms.tpl you need an FTP connection, it is located in your theme folder 'themes/ themeName'.1) Download the file and open it with a simple text editor like notepad on windows.2) Copy/paste the snippet, save the file and put it back online.that is allafter that you can edit your CMS pages from BO and choose which gallery to show from the page editor (there is a new 'slider' option afer the meta title)Thank you misthero, done! It's nicely functionning.You are the Man! Hi Misthero, and other members,Thanks for the great work.I have tried to install in my PS and using Chrome browser, it work pretty well, however, when I enabled the Home selection (which to show only in the homepage), the particular slider is showing in all the pages.Has anyone encountered this behavious?
Did I configure incorrectly?For the particular slider, i use the default setting and also selected Home (as my intention is to show only in homepage).Thanks all! Keep being curious! Yes that is normal and intended behaviour, the slider 'pause' if you hover it with your mouse and restart when mouse leave the mouse 'without clicking'.It will completely stops the auto loop if the user click on any control to allow the user choose what to see. You want something different?Hello misthero, thank you for prompt replyit is fine the slider pause when mouse hover it without clickingbut it would be nice if the slider still auto loop after the user click on controls and leave slider, is it possible?
I am trying to put this slider where my original slider is, and it will not let me move it anyway I try.If anyone has any suggestions, I would appreciate the comments back.url ison the site my current slider is at the top with the two pictures next to it, just like in the 1.6 demo.I want to put the new slider there, with the two pictures on the right of it.I have put the slider on the page, and is at the bottom of the page hooked into the home position.Thanks,Brianyes every module you hook to home is placed after the other modules already there. You have in BO the menu Modules-positions where you can rearrange modulesthis is the same for every module not just this. No, I had put it to the top of the site, but it was not in the correct place, had to inactivate the two pics next to the original slider, and the original slider. I think the original slider and two pics are positioned in the header of the home field.the reason I think this is because I can only put your new slider up so far on the home hook, and the original slider is positioned in the header only. The two pics next to the original slider are in the theme configurator.When I try to do the live editor, it only lets me take it up so far.I do not know how to hook this slider in the header of the home position, as in the placement now of the original slider and pics.Not sure what to do? Ok, that is easy, you have to add no code just select the 'home' hook on top of your configuration page for the row corresponding to your slider, no coding needed for thatok I get it now, but still a problem similar to bburer77I tried home hook, slider will display only on my homepage, it's good.but I want to show the slider on top of my homepage, just like the top hook setting, but only display on homepagep.s. Original slider is hook to 'displayTopColumn' and I got error msg 'This module cannot be transplanted to this hook' when I tried to transplant new slider into 'displayTopColumn'.
First of all. What a great module. All Installed perfectly with no errors and I'm using it on the right column. I'm not sure what happens but only the horizontal mode is working. When i select fade or any other the mode the pictures do not appear anymore.
Prestashop Slideshow Module 2
When changing back to horizontal all is OK again. Thank you very much for your helphello cristih, that is strange indeed, can you provide more details?what version of prestashop?Are you using default theme?is there any javascript error? (you can check this with firebug on firefox or looking at the console in chrome hitting F12). Hello cristih, that is strange indeed, can you provide more details?what version of prestashop?Are you using default theme?is there any javascript error? (you can check this with firebug on firefox or looking at the console in chrome hitting F12)Hi MistheroVersion of Presta is Yes i'm using the default theme and there are no errors.
The slider just dissapears when i change to fade or 3D. Also I'm posting the slides on the right column. What file do i need to change to place more than one slider there?
The site is

Responsive Touch SliderResponsive Images Slider is Touch-Enabled with HTML Animation Content and Video Youtube Slideshow – is a beautiful and easy-to-use jQuery Image Slider Plugin with animated captions, responsive layout and HTML Elements like (Video, iFrame) slider. Plugin that allows you to integrate a customizable, cross-browser image slider into your web presence. Slider Plugin with animated captions, responsive layout and HTML Elements like. The module has similar siplay on smartphones and tablets by adapting its size on these devices, resize your browser, or view this page with a touch-enabled device. Cross-browser images and video’s is Slideshow into your shop.Responsive Images Slideshow is display position on Home Page or Top Page.Including Responsive Youtube’s Video Slideshow.A slider multilanguage (different images, text and url for each language) completely configurable.Responsive, Mobile-Friendly with Touch/Swipe Support.Edited August 29 by WebtetDev.