Skyrim German Language Pack Rapidshare S

Skyrim German Language Pack Rapidshare S Rating: 4,6/5 5327 reviews

Your response war fairly legalistic, the Xbox I bought in Swiss was packaged with English being the dominant language i.e. Everything was written in English first with German translation following. The skyrim game was pictured with the English header 'FULLGAME DOWNLOAD' emblazoned on the picture of skyrim game. The details on the Xbox states local capabilities followed by the phrase 'the games on demand supports English'. Taking all of this into account I don't think it was unreasonable for me to assume thatthe game would be in English.So I'd like to understand from your perspective why you would think that I would have expected to be locked into a German only game.Also, I am not sure whether you are aware that Swutzerland has four official languages, German being just one.

I just extracted the sound files from the BSA. File sizes are surprisingly small. I did a test on two files:.

Length: 30 Seconds, Size: 170KB. Length.

We've not come up with enough results and proof that there's something wrong on their end.I'm pretty sure most people won't even notice such terrible audio compression, I've always been told I have pretty sensitive ears. Furthermore, we should have a 'look' on the English, French and whatever sound files. Do they suffer from the same problem? And apart from that, we should pick out some spoiler-free audio files and discuss them - Probably some sound files from your companion in and finally out of the starter dungeon. Agree?Posts: 3476 Joined: Fri Sep 08, 2006 7:07 pm.

I also hear the low quality german audio. It is very annoying.

I am using Sennheiser highquality headphones and Xonar Xense Card. The problems for sure come from heavy compression. Only thing Bethesda has to do would be to release lesser compressed german audio files to fix it, i guess.A friend of mine who also uses headphones hear this issue,tooI changed the audio to TV speaker output and i didn′t hear the bad compression issue.

But that is for sure because of low quality TV speaker. So that was no solution.Changing the game to english is no solution, too. I bought this game with german language and i want to play it in german language for the first playthrough.Skyrim has high quality german syncronisation by well known professional artists.

It′s a shame that their work gets damaged by low compression rates (that are not necessary).Posts: 3367 Joined: Fri Mar 09, 2007 6:25 pm. Am i cool yet No, not reallyBut to be honest, I would not get my hopes up either. Compressing half a minute down to about 25KB for an ancient entertainment device that does not even have a harddrive (yes, xbox) might be the only way, but censored my PC as an xbox emulator emitting sound files that could date back to 1995 is just sad, especially when you see how much work Mark Lampert and all the other guys put into the sound files and voice recordingsI'll see if I can lure some more people into this thread and try to contact either Gstaff / Nick Breckon or probably Mark Lampert directly. It's such a great game, marvellous voice actors and then everything's ruined by probably flicking the wrong switch when converting the files for the final game.Posts: 3463 Joined: Sat Aug 18, 2007 2:58 am. This discussion about the poor quality can also be found in some german Elder Scrolls forums.I can confirm this low quality voices in the german version too!Sounds like an mp3 with only 64 Kbit/s or less. As already has been written, the voices sound as if the NPCs lisp.Highly noticeable at NPCs with high-pitched voices (female NPCs).For example, talking with Irileth, the Huscarl at Dragons Reach (Whiterun Castle) and ask her how a dark elf became a Huscarl.Can you hear the hiss in the background?


Especially in words with s, sch, z, f, in it.That’s a really poor quality!Bethesda, please give us not that much compressed german voice files!This needs to be fixed!Changing the audio quality of my speakers to 44.1k and 24 bit doesn’t help here.I paid for the german version, playing the game in english is not an option for me!Greetings va879 (aka Vannar)Posts: 3358 Joined: Wed Jan 31, 2007 11:44 pm. I digged a bit further into the files.

They're X-WMA, and use a RIFF-Header. I compared the two voice files from earler: One is something related to some magic college (low quality), the other one is a completely crazy dark brotherhood dude (high quality).The WAVEFORMATEX-header starts after the 'fmt ' in the audio file. Here are some examples: bytes 0-1 wFormatbytes 2-3 nChannelsbytes 4-7 nSamplesPerSecbytes 8-11 nAvgBytesPerSecbytes 12-13 nBlockAlignbytes 14-15 wBitsPerSamplebytes 16-17 cbSizeI don't recall if it was encoded in Little-Endian or Big-Endian, but that should be pretty easy to find out.I checked 'nSamplesPerSec' and 'nAvgBytesPerSec'.Low quality file: Sample rate of 0x7D00 - 32.000 HzHigh quality file: 0xAC44 - 44.100 HzHigh quality file: Bytes/Sec of 0x1760 - 6000 Bytes/SecLow quality file: Bytes/Sec of 0x9C4 - 2500 Bytes/SecPosts: 3448 Joined: Wed Oct 17, 2007 10:43 pm. Hm, not like I'm too fond when it comes to codec and sampling rates, give me a quick summary whether what you find out is good or bad.In conclusion you can say it's pretty bad and just confirms what I (we) have already heard in game.The sampling rate (Hz value) describes how often a value/'snapshot' of the current audio event is taken and stored in the audio file per second (how many samples are taken). The high quality version has 44100 samples per seconds, which can be concidered as good quality and is used in many use-cases (like CD's, DVD's, a.s.o.). But the low quality version has 10900 samples less and is encoded with a lower bit rate. That's more comparable to a 'good' (voip) phone call.It's for sure because of the limited space on DVD's (XBOX360), but does it really have to affect the PC version of the game?

Skyrim German Language Pack Rapidshare S

Skyrim Language Pack

We already have console-limited graphics, now the sound has to be limited too? I'd rather like Skyrim to take some more (mega/giga) bytes disk space than having sounds like I'm calling NPC's on my cell phone (ok, I'm boasting that up).So, basically we indeed need new sound filesPosts: 3338 Joined: Mon Jul 30, 2007 3:46 pm. I give this thread a bump so that the bethesda-crew can read this.I don′t think that it is a matter of consoles hardware restirction, as a xbox can handle the same dvds like a PC does. The DVD is overfilled with the Data of Skyrim anyway as you can see below:time for a change (BD-ROM ftw )Please fix this. I have no problem downloading a 2gig patch but i have problems hearing bad voices caused by technical issues/faulty recordPosts: 3419 Joined: Sat Aug 12, 2006 9:21 am. Yep, but what now?

Bethesda won't even look at this thread because they think it's just some wackos complaining about the voice actors just out of boredom.I think either the localization agency or Bethesda themselves had a reason for this, probably because German sentences tend to be longer than their English counterparts and they had to compress it even further to fit the whole stuff on an Xbox disc.We've shown some files are heavily compressed whereas others are not. What now?Posts: 3363 Joined: Thu Sep 13, 2007 1:44 amDisplay posts from previous: Sort.

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