Spaced repetition is supposed to make learning easier. But if it's so easy, why is using it so complicated?No one enjoys creating flashcards. And sure, you could find user-created decks, but when you notice mistakes, your confidence plummets.And trying to merge word decks while avoiding duplicates is a nightmare.Another problem: what about words you learn with a tutor or encounter in daily life? Don't they also belong in your long-term study plan?Finally, why is studying so tiring? Why must you hand-draw characters (Skritter!), or choose from four possible answers to the simple question, 'do you remember this word?' (Anki!)We built Hack Chinese to have something we've always wanted: a Mandarin-specific spaced repetition tool that is painless to set up, powerful enough to grow with, and simple enough to use every day.We are proud of Hack Chinese and love using it.
Mo Siang Hack Chinese Restaurant

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