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Free Program Received Signal 0 Unity3d Programs
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UniRx - Reactive Extensions for UnityCreated by Yoshifumi Kawai(neuecc)What is UniRx?UniRx (Reactive Extensions for Unity) is a reimplementation of the.NET Reactive Extensions. The Official Rx implementation is great but doesn't work on Unity and has issues with iOS IL2CPP compatibility. This library fixes those issues and adds some specific utilities for Unity. Supported platforms are PC/Mac/Android/iOS/WebGL/WindowsStore/etc and the library.UniRx is available on the Unity Asset Store (FREE) -Blog for update info -Support thread on the Unity Forums: Ask me any question -Release Notes, seeUniRx is Core Library (Port of Rx) + Platform Adaptor (MainThreadScheduler/FromCoroutine/etc) + Framework (ObservableTriggers/ReactiveProeperty/etc).Note: async/await integration(UniRx.Async) is separated to after ver. Why Rx?Ordinarily, Network operations in Unity require the use of WWW and Coroutine. That said, using Coroutine is not good practice for asynchronous operations for the following (and other) reasons:.

Coroutines can't return any values, since its return type must be IEnumerator. Coroutines can't handle exceptions, because yield return statements cannot be surrounded with a try-catch construction.This kind of lack of composability causes operations to be close-coupled, which often results in huge monolithic IEnumerators.Rx cures that kind of 'asynchronous blues'. Rx is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable collections and LINQ-style query operators.The game loop (every Update, OnCollisionEnter, etc), sensor data (Kinect, Leap Motion, VR Input, etc.) are all types of events. Rx represents events as reactive sequences which are both easily composable and support time-based operations by using LINQ query operators.Unity is generally single threaded but UniRx facilitates multithreading for joins, cancels, accessing GameObjects, etc.UniRx helps UI programming with uGUI. All UI events (clicked, valuechanged, etc) can be converted to UniRx event streams.Unity supports async/await from 2017 with C# upgrades, UniRx family prjects provides more lightweight, more powerful async/await integration with Unity. IntroductionGreat introduction to Rx article:.The following code implements the double click detection example from the article in UniRx.

Var clickStream = Observable. Where( = Input. GetMouseButtonDown( 0));clickStream. Buffer( clickStream. Throttle( TimeSpan. FromMilliseconds( 250))).

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Where( xs = xs. Subscribe( xs = Debug. Log( 'DoubleClick Detected! Count: ' + xs. Count));This example demonstrates the following features (in only five lines!):. The game loop (Update) as an event stream. Composable event streams.

Merging self stream. Easy handling of time based operationsNetwork operationsUse ObservableWWW for asynchronous network operations. Its Get/Post functions return subscribable IObservables. Var trigger = button. Subscribe; Observable Lifecycle ManagementWhen is OnCompleted called? Subscription lifecycle management is very important to consider when using UniRx.

ObservableTriggers call OnCompleted when the GameObject they are attached to is destroyed. Other static generator methods ( Observable.Timer, Observable.EveryUpdate, etc.) do not stop automatically, and their subscriptions should be managed manually.Rx provides some helper methods, such as IDisposable.AddTo which allows you to dispose of several subscriptions at once. // Unity's singleton UiThread Queue Scheduler Scheduler. MainThreadScheduler ObserveOnMainThread / SubscribeOnMainThread// Global StartCoroutine runner MainThreadDispatcher. StartCoroutine( enumerator)// convert Coroutine to IObservable Observable.

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FromCoroutine(( observer, token) = enumerator( observer, token));// convert IObservable to Coroutine yield return Observable. Range( 1, 10). ToYieldInstruction; // after Unity 5.3, before can use StartAsCoroutine // Lifetime hooks Observable. OnceApplicationQuit; Framecount-based time operatorsUniRx provides a few framecount-based time operators: MethodEveryUpdateEveryFixedUpdateEveryEndOfFrameEveryGameObjectUpdateEveryLateUpdateObserveOnMainThreadNextFrameIntervalFrameTimerFrameDelayFrameSampleFrameThrottleFrameThrottleFirstFrameTimeoutFrameDelayFrameSubscriptionFrameIntervalFrameTimeIntervalBatchFrameFor example, delayed invoke once.

TimerFrame( 100). Subscribe( = Debug. Log( 'after 100 frame '));Every.

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Method's execution order is EveryGameObjectUpdate(in MainThreadDispatcher's Execution Order) -EveryUpdate -EveryLateUpdate -EveryEndOfFrameEveryGameObjectUpdate invoke from same frame if caller is called before MainThreadDispatcher.Update(I recommend MainThreadDispatcher called first than others(ScriptExecutionOrder makes -32000)EveryLateUpdate, EveryEndOfFrame invoke from same frame.EveryUpdate, invoke from next frame. MicroCoroutineMicroCoroutine is memory efficient and fast coroutine worker. This implemantation is based on, avoid managed-unmanaged overhead so gets 10x faster iteration. MicroCoroutine is automaticaly used on Framecount-based time operators and ObserveEveryValueChanged.If you want to use MicroCoroutine instead of standard unity coroutine, use MainThreadDispatcher.StartUpdateMicroCoroutine or Observable.FromMicroCoroutine.

Var eventTrigger = this. SelectMany( = eventTrigger. OnDragAsObservable, ( start, current) = UniRx.

Create( start, current)). TakeUntil( eventTrigger. RepeatUntilDestroy( this). Subscribe( x = Debug. Log( x)); (Obsolete)PresenterBaseNote:PresenterBase works enough, but too complex.You can use simple Initialize method and call parent to child, it works for most scenario.So I don't recommend using PresenterBase, sorry.

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ReactiveCommand, AsyncReactiveCommandReactiveCommand abstraction of button command with boolean interactable.

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