Uncensored Health 25 Forbidden Cures is a downloadable eBook that claims to have uncovered Jesus’s secret 2000+ year old cure for cancer. I’m not joking. Here’s our review. What is Uncensored Health 25 Forbidden Cures?Uncensored Health 25 Forbidden Cures is a downloadable eBook that claims to teach you the cure.What’s even more amazing is that the cure doesn’t come from modern medicine: it comes from Jesus. Uncensored Health claims to teach you the formula Jesus used to heal the masses 2000+ years ago. As mentioned above, there’s absolutely no evidence that the cures outlined in Uncensored Health will provide any of the above benefits.

The writer of the book, Susan White, provides no evidence aside from fictitious anecdotal reports about how kids, adults, and the elderly were cured using her secret formulas. What Else Will You Learn in Uncensored Health?In addition to learning the cure for cancer (“Jesus Oil”), the Uncensored Health eBook will teach you how to cure a wide range of diseases. The 422 page book teaches additional things like:.
How to cure rheumatoid in “as little as a few weeks”. How to use a secret “Soviet Spy Pill” to feel like you’re 20 years younger. How to prevent yourself from having a heart attackWho Wrote Uncensored Health?Uncensored Health was written by a “devout Christian” named Susan White. Susan claims to be the Executive Director of the Alliance for Advanced Health.Susan doesn’t appear to have any type of medical background or expertise in curing cancer. In fact, her only qualification appears to be writing occasional blog posts at.Some of the recent blog posts on that website include, “Monsanto Unleashes Terrifying New Food Poison” and “This Pill Destroys your Sex Life”.Ultimately, the goal of Susan’s blog is to encourage you to subscribe to her pricey monthly newsletter. Uncensored Health 25 Forbidden Cures PricingUncensored Health advertises itself as free, but it’s not. The eBook is bundled with a subscription to an email newsletter called “”.There are two membership options for that newsletter:.
1 Year Subscription (12 Issues): $37 USD. 2 Year Subscription (24 Issues): $67.You’ll see two prices on the sales page for Uncensored Health. One price (the price we’ve listed above) is the “Senior Discount” price, which is available to anybody regardless of their age.
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Don’t be fooled into thinking you’re getting a special discount because you’re a senior – like most other aspects of Uncensored Health, it’s designed to mislead and scam you. Uncensored Health 25 Forbidden Cures Conclusionis one of the worst online scams we’ve come across. Affiliate Transparency: With full FTC compliance disclosure, please know our goal is to highlight human health and develop strategic partnerships with a variety of seasoned supplement suppliers and new wellness product creators from around the world. Our intention is to organize optimal outlets for you, we may receive small commissions from providing links and sharing ads. The team has your best interest at hand, we care as much about your health as you do and that’s why you’re reading this. Want to learn more?
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FDA Disclosure: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.FTC Disclosure: We represent a professional research and review team, and on our page you may find affiliate links for which we could be compensated for by clicking on them.All logos and names are respective to each company and brand, all registered trademarks and protected images are used under the terms of 'fair use'. Please reach out, we're human too.