Avatar Last Airbender Games 4 Nations

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Alcune scene tratte dalla quinta stagione di Stargate Atlantis. Serie che adoro!!! La prima canzone. A fast-paced trailer of atlantis seasons 1-3. They should make season 6 of Stargate Atlantis. Stargate universe trailer

  1. Avatar Games
  2. Nickelodeon

NOTE: The portraits are from the Anime Portraits mod and must be downloaded separately. V1.05# General- Updated to Crusader Kings 2.8- On Steam Workshop, the mod is now avaliable as one download instead of many parts. The mod has been uploaded for download from the Paradox Forum, ModDB and Steam Workshop.# Features- Completely overhauled the disease system. All vanilla diseases have been replaced by new ones, which have their own symptoms, events and traits.- Added a new RPG style duel system, allowing two characters to clash using the full extent of their abilities.- Added several new types of tributaries to model certain relations, such as Earth Kingdom Territories, Earth Kingdom States, Protectorates, Military Allies and more.- Sun Warriors have a range of unique features added, including the unique ability to field Warriors who ride mighty Dragons into battle. Sun Warrior rulers can spend prestige to gain the loyalty of these mighty warriors, as well as powerful artefacts and reforms that may bring them closer to rebuilding their grand civilisation of old.- Introduced numerous artefacts, from crowns to space swords.

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Added the Animal Companion category to the inventory to track pets such as Sky Bison and Ostrich Horses.- Sandbender rulers who control the entirety of the Si Wong Desert can now take a decision to form their own empire.- Added several new societies: Art of Agni Kai, The Elder Council, Five-Seven-Fiver, The Enlightened, the Kemurikage Sisterhood and the White Lotus.- Added 'Customs of the Air Nomads' law to independent Air Nomad rulers. This law determines what bonuses a ruler receives and if they can use any special CB's. This law cannot be changed by rulers themselves, but by decision by the Air Nomad's society, the Elder Council.- Added a decision to host a grand market, bringing merchants from far and wide. Using your skills, from martial to learning, gain an economic boost for your capital or go searching for merchants selling rare artifacts.- Re-added Royal Law for the Earth Kingdom, now representing the obligations between the Earth King and Earth Kingdom territories.- Added events revolving around the Six Hundred Day Siege of Ba Sing Se, and a bookmark, Dragon of the West, to focus on this era.- Complete rework of Earth Kingdom mechanics, including Royal Authority. Royal Authority is now gained every five years from the number of Tributaries and Vassals the Earth King possesses, and can be spent on special interactions with Tributaries and changing Earth Kingdom laws.# Balance- Changes to Landed Titles, such as Players can now create any kingdom-tier title, regardless of culture. All empire titles can now be created only by the correct culture group.

The AI is still restricted in creating kingdom-tier titles in another culture's de-jure territory, but can do so in certain situations.- By popular demand, re-added the ability to convert provinces using the Court Spiritual, though this action is still limited by certain circumstances.- If lacking an heir or children, Air Nomad rulers can now have a decision to search for a successor.- Added several Merchant Republics to the map throughout the timeline.- Slight changes made to Trade Routes.- Made further changes to units. Armour is now less powerful, and also less expensive. Reminder:The Earth King event line is not finished. He is always under regency. If you don't find that fun don't play him yet.Spoilers by start date:Death of Chin: ATLA:??? ATLA Comics:???

LoK Comics:???Founding the Dai Li: ATLA:??? ATLA Comics:??? LoK Comics:???Sozin's Coronation: ATLA: S03E06 LoK: None ATLA Comics: None LoK Comics:NoneThe Hundred Year War: ATLA: S03E06 LoK: None ATLA Comics: None LoK Comics: NoneFirelord Azulon: ATLA:??? ATLA Comics:??? LoK Comics:???Dragon of the West: ATLA:???

ATLA Comics:??? LoK Comics:???The Last Airbender: ATLA: S01E01 LoK:??? ATLA Comics:??? LoK Comics:???The Disharmony: ATLA:??? ATLA Comics: All LoK Comics:???The Republic: ATLA: All LoK: S01E01 ATLA Comics: All LoK Comics:???Avatar Korra: ATLA: All LoK: S01E01 ATLA Comics: All LoK Comics:???The Earth Empire: ATLA: All LoK: S04E01 ATLA Comics: All LoK Comics:???WARNING:Do not snoop around the mod files, especially histories, if you don't want to get spoiled.Compatible mods:Known Issues:FAQ. Q: Is X character canon?A: In the Sozin's bookmark the only canon characters are Sozin, Roku, Gyatso, Sud, and Ta Min.

The rest were inferred like the previous earth kings and fire lords or made up for gameplay reasons.Q: What other bookmarks are planned?A: We hope to release an ATLA, LoK, and Kyoshi bookmark some point in the future.Q: Why CK2 and not HoI, Vicky2, EU4, or skyrim?A: Tirenedon decided to make the mod for CK2 and the rest of the team joined after. We're all major ck2 fans and players so we decided to stick to CK2.Q: Why isn't my favourite character a 80 martial legendary bender?A: We're trying to be conservative with our stat allocation and some of your favourite characters may not have the stats or traits you expect. Feel free to argue with us over it though because if you're convincing enough we may readjust them.Q: How do I get those cool portraits you guys are making?A: They're not quite ready for release. Stay tuned for future updates!Q: Why is there a mix or Chinese, Inuit, and English for the names of characters and places?A: We're following a convention of the series. By rewatching ATLA and LoK you may notice that characters like Lily and Buttercup live side by side with Unalaq and Kahchi. There are also locations like Whaletail Island and Ba Sing Se in the same world.Q: Dogs, Wolves, Cats, and Bears?

What are they doing in this mod?A: Although some of these animals, like bears, are. Weird, others like cats and wolves are actually common and show up fairly often in both LoK and ATLA. As far as we can tell there is no strong rule about which animals are combined and which are not, but just to be safe we will only put in canon uncombined animals into the mod.Q: How are you allowed to share this mod here even though it contains genocide?A: The air nomads Genocide is not yet included in the mod and a very touchy subject. We want to prove that we can broach such a touchy subject respectably.

Like in the show we will reference to some of the nastier non G rated topics in the mod through euphemisms and implications. If a moderator would like to discuss the issue of the inclusions of these subjects in the mod please feel free to message me.Q: House Hou-Ting? How does that make sense before she was born?A: It's one the weird quirks of avatar canon.Q: Why is there both bending type and bending proficiency.A: Separating them makes events using bending less complicated. If you have a better solution feel free to join us and help us improve the mod.Q: Why does it take until 18 to finish your education and be able to get married?A: Like in the show some conventions like education and marriage appear to follow our own western standards more than ancient eastern standards. If you have proof that it should be earlier feel free to let us know.Q: My ship should sail even though it has holes and no canon.A: We will only put in canon relationships for the mod. When it comes to Asami and Korra we consider their relationship completely canon even though there is still some how controversy over it.Q: Why is the earth king always a puppet and the Earth kingdom disunified?A: Since Kyoshi's defeat of chin the conqueror the Earth king has exerted no influence outside of Ba Sing Se or even left his palace until 52nd earth king Kuei.

During this time it was the Dai Li who ran the day to day affairs of Ba Sing Se, which left the earth king nothing more than a puppet as designed by Avatar Kyoshi. Eventually we will have a long event chain to stop the earth king from being a puppet to the Dai Li but it is yet to be implemented. Even a strong earth king will have to fight to regain full power over the whole of the earth kingdom though. It may even take.

Avatar Games

An emperor.Q: I am from nickelodeon and I am mad you're using content from the TV show for this mod.A: Please contact me through these forums or speak to a forum moderator. I'm sure we can work something out.Q: I made a mini mod for this mod can I share it?A: Please do! Remember to give credit to us if you use any of our work.Q: I have made an unrelated mod I want to make compatible with this mod.


What do I do?A: Please contact us and we'll do everything in our power to help make our mods compatible.Final words:If you have any other problems please let us know!By the way it's not too late to join us. Especially if you're a musician, event moder, or just dedicated to the mod!Thanks for playing the mod. Well I played a bit, and there are a couple things so far.1. DISEASE PARTY WOOOO!2.

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